Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A Matter of Time?

It’s been almost a week since I got home from Christmas vacation, and it’s been almost one week since I wrote Cody an email. The leak in my bathroom that ensued before I left for the holiday continued throughout the duration of my absence. Since the concierge would be closed over Christmas, I wrote Cody in a moment of desperation before I left for the airport and called him (had to leave a message) to ask if he could check up on my condo to make sure the leak had stopped since it was still dripping the morning of my flight. Besides the front desk, he’s the only other person in town that has a copy of my keys.

The leak continued over break when I thought it had stopped. It wasn’t until a day before I was to fly home that Cody emailed me to tell me that the leak had, if anything, intensified. I was grateful to him for looking out for my place and for making several trips to my condo to empty water. I came home late one night last week and emailed him while at work the next day to wish him a Happy New Year and to offer to take him to dinner as a thank you for watching over my place.

That was a week ago, almost. And he hasn’t responded. I can easily speculate what is going on at his end, what he might be thinking, and what games he might be playing, if any. But I really have know idea, except that his message seems to be clear.

I wonder when “Cody” will cease to come up in my conversations, in my speech, and finally in my thoughts.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I suspect he'll gradually become less present as you let him go.

A friend of mine told me that ending a relationship or letting go of a love isn't a clean, easy thing. It's like pulling a piece of taffy into two. Some of the strands break quickly, while others seem to stretch almost beyond belief without breaking. Eventually, though, if the two piece continue to be pulled in opposite directions, they break free of each other.